Sunday, August 21, 2011

Purpose Beyond Pain

Life lessons from Little House on the Prairie....

This morning I caught an episode of Little House on the Prairie.  In this episode the railroad tycoons have come into Walnut Grove and claimed the townspeople's land.  As you can imagine, the town experiences a range of emotions as the moving day draws closer.

During what was to be the last sermon the townspeople would spend together, Reverend Alden is reminded of how God works through pain and confusion.  Trying to make sense of why God would allow his flock to be crushed by greedy men, he only found anger in preparing for his sermon.  He questioned God and wanted answers.  He then was reminded of how God works all things for good when Mary Ingall's asks to lead the morning prayer.

In earlier episodes, Mary lost her sight.  Charles her father, sought the comfort of Reverend Alden to help him through his anger at God and lack of understanding for his daughter's blindness.  Now several years later, God's purpose for Mary's life is revealed.  Mary's profession was teaching.    But God chose to take away one of the most important senses of being a teacher, her sight.  He needed her to be a teacher, but to blind children.  Who better to relate to them then someone who can identify with them.

Has it ever occurred to you that the pain and trails we experience in our life are the prelude to God's wonderful purpose for us?  Can you imagine in the midst of pain thanking God for using you for future good?  The next time you are questioning God why this is happening to me....maybe ask...God help me understand your purpose for good in this pain.  He will not ignore you so be ready to receive his answers.

Blessings to you!

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

You Have A Story!

The bible is filled with parables or stories.  Have you ever thought that the reason why Jesus used parables to explain his love and his truth is because people relate to stories?  These parables were powerful in changing lives in biblical times and they can be powerful today.

We all have a story to tell.  Some of our stories allow us to relive wonderful events in our lives.  Other stories remind us of painful times or times when we were not at our best.  These stories may inflict scars of rejection, present obstacles or unveil unexpected challenges.  But eventually, all of those allow us to inspire others if we choose to share our stories.

So, if God is doing work in your life...your story is worth telling.  It will give courage and hope to others.  Let God have his perfect work through your life.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Upcoming Events at Healing Broken Vessels

Tuesday July 12th 5pm
Terry Durham, Professor at Cumberland University-Introduction to Computers

Saturday July 16th 10am
Canning Classes at First Baptist Church Lebanon, TN

Monday July 18th through August 23rd 5pm
Basic Microsoft Office Courses (Word and Excel)

Saturday July 23rd 9am
4th Saturday Event
Speaker- TBA
Fellowship, prayer and healing of the mind body and spirit.

Lots to do at HBV!  Check us out!

Monday, June 13, 2011

Upcoming Events at HBV...

It's amazing how being ACTIVE can boost your mood!  I am a firm believer that activity breeds activity.  So if you are looking for an outlet to help you keep moving forward... COME SEE US at Healing Broken Vessels. 
Whether it's taking a computer class, stopping by for prayer, participating in center events, joining our 4th Saturday speaker events or reading our blog for encouragement, there's something for you at HBV! 
Tuesday June 14 at 5:00 PM - What Recruiters will not tell you - Danielle Underwood
Saturday June 18 at 7:00 AM - Yard Sale
Saturday June 25 at 9:00 AM - 4th Saturday Gretchen Jordan
Tuesday July 12 at 5:00 PM - Basic Computer classes

Saturday, May 28, 2011

Setting Goals for Our Life

Psalm 32:8
I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go;  I will counsel you and watch over you.

What a great time of fellowship this morning at Healing Broken Vessels!  Diantha greeted everyone and one of our guests led us in the hymn "Because He Lives".  Priscilla read our scripture and  Danielle prayed for the time of fellowship and for our speaker.

Our speaker, Hiwanda Gaerte took us on an uncharted path to Idaho...yes...Idaho.  We did not have a map, nor could any of us think of anyone that had ever been to Idaho to help guide us.  We learned very quickly, that we needed a map and a guide to help us along the way.  We stared this journey to Idaho, but did not have a goal of how we were going to get there.

Hiwanda took this example and began to share of a time in her own life when the path she was on did not seem to be the right road.  She was introduced to a group of people who had a common goal of healing the mind, body and spirit...sound familiar?  She then decided she wanted to be a part of this group and it's teaching and therefore, set her goal for her future.

She shared with us how she set this goal and handed out 3x5 cards and a safety pin.  We wrote down our short term goal and she suggested we keep it with us at all times so that we have our goal in front of us.  The SMART acronym for goal setting was introduced:

Goals must be:

Consider the WHOLE you when setting goals:

Embrace God's design for your life through goal setting and planning and watch amazing things happen in your life.  Because goals are the map that will guide you toward your God-given purpose, without setting them you will also wander in circles without getting where you need to go.
-Hiwanda Gaerte

After your goals have been set, can you honestly pray this prayer?
In agreement with Your Word that says You intend to give me a future and a hope, I offer these goals and plans to You as a gift from my heart.  I will challenge myself to see deeds done for Your kingdom through my life.  I fully understand that all goals are subject to change and to Your perfect will.  With Your help, these dreams of my heart shall become a reality.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

4th Saturday Meeting 5/28

If you have not visited Healing Broken Vessels on the 4th Saturday of the month you are missing something special.  We meet from 9am to 11am.  Light refreshments to follow the meeting.  Thinking about joining us....

Here's what you can expect:
Safe setting to share
Occasional tears
Speaker who is knowledgeable about their topic
Tools for growth and healing of the mind, body and spirit

There is no fee to attend and all are welcome.  Hope to see you this Saturday.  Blessings to you!

Monday, May 23, 2011

Still Trying to Understand...

There are times in our lives when nothing seems to make sense.  We question our current and past circumstances.  We try to make the puzzle pieces fit our situations so we can come up with an answer to the question...WHY?  We lean on our own understanding that is made up of good and bad experiences, good and bad information, and last but not least...good and bad advice from friends and family.

But when do we solely rely on God?  Too many times, we FINALLY go to God when we have no other options.  Our friends and family may become impatient with us or our church family has deserted us.  All of our normal methods of coping with trials in our life are just not working.  At this point we make one of two choices.  We either continue down the same path of searching for answers or we submit ourselves to God.

Proverbs 3:5-6 says this:
Trust in the Lord with all your heat and lean not on your own understanding.  In all your ways submit to him and he will make your paths straight.

If you are hurting, confused, scared, depressed, hopeless, defeated, angry or sad...turn to the Lord for strength and guidance.  Let him take your burden so that he can lighten your load.  Allow yourself to grow from the trial and ready yourself to receive the blessings that await you.  In every situation, God works for the good.  Let God take your crooked path and make it straight.  After all, it's much easier to navigate a straight path than a curvy one!
